CBD Oil Giveaway!

CBD Oil Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY time!! I still can’t believe I’m doing this, but here goes! I decided to start a business venture offering something I truly believe can bring so much healing to your body and in turn your emotional well being. When your body reaches a homeostasis there’s a lot more calm & joy, at least that is what I personally experienced! (scroll to bottom for my testimony.)
I am so excited to serve anyone that would like to try it as well, that I decided to launch my business by giving away a full bottle!! One winner will receive 1 bottle of peppermint CBD oil, his choice of full spectrum or THC free. 
I am not asking you to sign up or do anything, I truly just want you to experience it! 
Rules of the giveaway:
•Leave a comment, I would love to hear where you first heard about CBD, not necessarily who, but where?
•Not required, but for extra entries you can share this post with someone you know, but you must comment and say you you shared it with them and include in the comment why you think they might like CBD. Every comment on every platform gets an entry.
•Giveaway closes on Sunday evening, May 5 at midnight.
•I will try to go LIVE Monday evening on Facebook and choose the winner….I will also include entries from Facebook and Instagram for ONE winner. 😊 (winner must be from the USA)
Giveaway not sponsored by anyone except myself.

My first testimony….. So y’all know I’ve been scoping out CBD oil..🌿 We were kind of desperate to find something to help our son sleep better. We have tried a number of things and nothing has seemed to help. And I’m a pretty big skeptic when it comes to trying the latest fad, or any health-freak idea really. So I was a bit skeptical about this as well..but I researched it, prayed about it, and listened to testimonies etc, etc.. and finally decided it’s worth a try! 👊

About a week prior to our oil arriving we went to a connected parenting conference & were reminded of all the amazing tools that we loved to use in parenting, but hadn’t been using them anymore.😟 It takes serious dedication, patience and lots of calm and let’s just say I haven’t had much of that around here lately. Fast forward, I decided to also take the CBD just for general health and I didn’t want to give my kid something without me trying it as well. Then about a week in my affiliate contacted me, wondering if we’re all feeling good? My immediate response was no, can’t really tell a difference.🤦‍♀️ But then I remembered that the day before I had commented to my husband that “must be this conference is really what I needed because even tho there were some really high stress parenting situations that week, I just felt so calm and was able to handle them without yelling 😐 that it’s just amazing, I feel so different and not constantly uptight, completely overwhelmed and tired.”💃 AND I was going to bed later, getting up earlier and skipping naps all in one bam! (But that ended up not being the wisest choice and I’m working on that, making myself go to bed, even tho I don’t feel so soo tired.) So then I was like. Wait a minute, is CBD actually contributing to this?!🙆‍♀️ I think it was the perfect combo, awesome tools and awesome energy and calm to implement them. It has entirely changed the atmosphere in our home. (Just ask my husband…I did, and he’s like, um yeah, you’re way different!) Humbling but true. I don’t have trouble sleeping nights but I assume it is helping me sleep even better, thus being why I’m not tired as much. I haven’t heard myself saying, “I’m soo tired” in awhile, and it used to be my almost hourly saying lol..💆‍♀️😞 I will say I still have headaches and that was one of the main things I was hoping it would help..and still hoping it will!🙏👌

So, I’m definitely buying more and continuing it with the boys.🙌💝 I am slowly seeing change in them and the nights are getting better! He still wakes up some, but 80% of the time he will go back to sleep on his own and not be screaming and sweating and being inconsolable. That is a HUGE win! I hope with possibly a higher dose and consistency he will sleep full nights. 👦

So that’s my honest review.👩‍🏫 And I’m actually so excited about feeling energetic and happy that I want to spread it around and decided to become an affiliate myself. 🙈🙃😚 So I got me a stash here if anyone wants some, I can hook you up with the real deal. You want to be careful and not just try any brand as they are not all reliable.🤷‍♀️ Also, if I could sell you Connected Parenting tools I totally would!!

It’s A Miracle!

It’s A Miracle!

disclaimer: written in 2018 when I found out all this good news. AND be prepared for a series of belated updates I want to actually post on here for my own ‘recording it’ benefit.

I cannot believe I’m actually writing this post. Is it really true? I’ve dreamed of the day and dreamed of how I would share the news….but now that my dream is a reality, I’m speechless! I feel like I’m in a daze and wonder when I will wake up. I am truly pregnant.

When did you find out? The morning of June 5th, 2018 I decided to take a pregnancy test because I was a few days late and even though I was pretty sure it probably was gonna be a negative, I knew we had a big week ahead and I just wanted to know! I laid it up on the counter like I usually do and about 10 minutes late I checked on it. I saw 2 lines for the first time EVER and I literally got so faint I had to sit back down on the toilet. I could feel all the color had drained from my face and I was shaking and in complete utter disbelief! I took another brand test I had and it also showed positive..all I could say n think was, is this for real? And breathing Thank-you Jesus!! I took a selfie in case I wanted to text my husband but I looked completely terrified! Plus I knew I wanted to see my husband’s face and he wouldn’t believe me without seeing a pregnancy test, so I waited until he came home. Which, he came home in the forenoon because we had court for our twin boys that day. I managed to hide my phone and start video so that I could capture his response and I pulled out the positive test and showed it to him and he just stood there, stunned. After a bit he goes, Are you serious? I don’t think I ever saw him so shocked in his life. He had no clue I was gonna take a test. And I will spare you the rest of the details, but it took months for it to really soak in!! And yes, I took a few more tests and went to the Dr. to confirm it before I actually allowed myself to believe that there was truly a baby forming inside.

Now let me finish the rest of the story, we quick got ready and headed to court for our twin boys. We knew there was a chance that a decision would be made about us being able to adopt them, but there had been many ‘chances’ before. BUT guess what?! That very same day we found out we will be able to adopt them, not just a maybe, their Mom signed the papers!! Surrendering her rights. She wanted to make sure we will adopt them and OF COURSE there was no question about that. God answered so many prayers…

That day was completely insane (shocking). People were so happy and excited for us about the adoption and of course we were too. But inside we were just bursting with, “YOU ONLY THE HALF. God has completely blown us away!!!” Later I found out my best friend was pregnant as well (5 wks apart) and we’d dreamed of being pregnant together. I was 30, and crossing over that threshold was a huge deal to my heart about becoming/not becoming pregnant. There were more details I had prayed for that came to fruition and I kept saying, Ok God, my cup is not just full now, IT’S OVERFLOWING! Like can there be any bigger harvest than this?! We had been praying for a forever family and a forever home to call our own for years.. and now suddenly in the year 2018 we got not 1 but 3 forever children and we also bought our dream place. (story to come soon).

So the first few pictures was how we announced it to family and then we had fun photoshoot with Mary Kate Paschall Photography. And she gave me the copyright to print, so that is why you will see it on the pictures, but she gets all the credit! I couldn’t just pick a few, so… photo overload!

Words really seem inadequate to describe how we feel with all of this. Very overwhelmed, humbled, grateful and in utter awe. I actually struggled a bit being so happy and saying ‘God is good’. Because He is GOOD no matter what our circumstances are and that is something I would say again and again in the midst of our trials.. But NOW I was actually, literally, seeing and tasting another layer of that GOOD! He delights in making His children happy and this is definitely one of those times and I’m going to do all I can to make Him look as good as He is, and overflowing with JOY right now is totally appropriate! 🙂

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