My Blog

My Endo Story. Part I [understanding endo]

My Endo Story. Part I [understanding endo]

It all kind of began around the end of 2016 when I saw an OB/GYN to see why my menstrual cycles were so severe and painful.. We did some tests and everything seemed pretty normal. He concluded that I probably have endometriosis and gave us a few options. One of the...

Hello again

Hello again

Hey hey, I decided to spend the month of May focusing on sharing from our fostering experiences on Instagram. May was Foster Care Awareness Month and I joined a group of ladies posting something everyday. So if you want to see a bit more into the depth of our journey,...

NIAW- Don’t Stay Stuck

NIAW- Don’t Stay Stuck

Oh many emotions today. I got a babysitter for the boys so I can catch up on some projects that need done. I came home n was hit square in the face with a QUIET house. Normally I would love and appreciate this, but with NIAW going on, I've been thinking about...

Far-Reaching Effects

Far-Reaching Effects

It's been a month now, settling back into a family of four. It has definitely not all been roses, but it's been good. Still in the midst of winter rains meant my husband was home a lot and that in itself was sheer awesomeness. We relaxed and spent lots of time playing...

The twins are 2!

The twins are 2!

February came n went pretty quickly! We got a few road-trips in, which was so fun again! I just wanted to quick recap with a few fun pictures and some from the 'BIG TWO' birthday party. I wish you could see their birthday shirts I got them. I was so happy with the way...

Another Good-bye

Another Good-bye

Ugh, my stomach literally feels upset. Nerves. Today I am packing up my lil big girl and sending her to her 'new home'. (as we so lovingly call it) Another transition for her. Number seven in just the last two years of her four year old life. Actually, that's just...

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