Now here are some different family shots from the bride’s family: …with bride’s 8 siblings……Bride with her 4 brothers…
…my mother & her 5 daughters…
…mom&dad and their 9 children, i ges that means they accept Dan into the family:)
…with my 11 nieces & nephews (minus 1 who was still well hidden inside Leah at the time:)…with my parents…
…my Mom&Dad
…me&mom <3 {she is the world’s best mother and I am so blessed to be her daughter&friend!
…us with both of our parents..
…us with ALL of our nieces n nephews combined:) maybe someday we’ll have a family that big;) hey! He comes from a family of 13! hehe 🙂
different shots with the groom’s family.. …with his brothers, i realy don’t know WHY I was in this picture?!……groom & his 5 brothers..this is one of the most priceless pictures E.v.e.r.
…with his 7 sisters…
…us with all of his 12 siblings…can you imagine the fun&fights growing up in this household?!
…with his family {immediate+step siblings only} this was only 5 months after Pop had died… we missed you…
…with his niece & nephew…
…Dan’s mother…
…ugh, i love this picture! mother&son…
again, all the credits go to: Gingerich Photography.