by Julia | Nov 1, 2018 | Recipes
It’s a dreary cold Fall day & with it being November 1 everyone thinks they have permission to post and email all things related to Christmas. So I have definitely been having winter/Christmas fever. It’s my favorite time of year, but I usually wait till a little closer to December to indulge.;) So in true Autumn fashion here is the recipe to my hubby’s favorite cookies, which I made for him today. He was home to play with the kids, so it was a win for both of us!
By the way….. About the long silence/no posting…. I was waiting for pictures… Now I am waiting to find time to sort them… So, so much has been going on in our lives that I can’t wait to document!!

“Pecan Pie Cookies”
- 3 sticks butter, softened
- 2 cups brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 4 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Turn oven on 350. Cream the butter and sugar, stir in eggs and vanilla. Add flour, baking powder and salt and mix till everything is incorporated.
In a separate bowl mix together the filling:
- 1 cup chopped pecans
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- pinches of Ginger, Cinnamon, & Cloves (if you like cloves-we do!)
Also I tend to heap the first 4 ingredients of the filling just to make sure I have enough..
So now make your regular size cookie ball, I use the .40 size scoop and make indents in the center. I tend to use my thumbs/fingers and go down the middle and then gently pull outward, which will also help flatten it a little. Fill each cookie with about 1/2 t. of filling. Bake 11-12 minutes until bottom is lightly brown and leave set on pan for a few minutes before removing. Yield: 4+ dozen.

So yummy!

by Julia | Jul 2, 2016 | Our Captured Life, Recipes
Whooa…It’s July! I’m actually kind of excited that this year is seemingly flying by, no specific reason, just a feeling. 🙂 I’ve got a super yummy Blueberry bar recipe for you that you are definitely gonna want to try! But first, just a lil update..
June was a full month and yet we had time for lots of sweet moments.. The main reason for being quiet over here is not for lack of good, good things that God is doing. But because that my computer issues have still not resolved. I have an appointment on July 11 to see if they can restore my data before putting in a new operating system. I do have my old one that I can thankfully run my business with, but only do the basics cuz it’s soo slow. Decided to brave it today and was reminded why I haven’t before, took a loong time to just open Lightroom, much less make minimal edits to my photos. We’ve been busy with all the usual first-month things, mtgs, appts, visits that come with a new foster placement & thoroughly enjoying having #MrSunbeam with us. He is definitely living up to his nickname. (sidenote, he will possibly be leaving to go with relatives next week..) Also had court for one of our others that was on trial placement and things are going well there so we said a more definitive goodbye. :'( –no words…we have our sad days but the peace of Jesus is so sweet in these times!! Otherwise on the agenda we attended a wedding, an adoption conference and participated in a 5k for our local pregnancy center and took our 2nd year CPR training. Oh and SUMMER HIT with full force time-to-hit-the-pool-temperatures!
Ok, so we also went blueberry picking at our local patch and yumm! Soo so much better than ANY store-bought ones! I had really wanted to make a pie this wknd, but completely forgot till too late in the day, but I wanted to whip up something yummy with these blueberries for the wknd. So I decided to use my old n faithful, well-loved recipe. They are a family favorite for years and always a hit wherever I take them. And super easy! Because I strategically use a 1/2 cup for everything I only dirtied 5 dishes; Bowl, spoon, spatula, 1/2 cup, & Tablespoon ring. No mixer needed. Definitely give them a try!

Blueberry Butterscotch Squares
- 1 1/2 sticks butter (softened)
- 1 cup white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 1/2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen*)
- 1 cup butterscotch chips
- 1/4 cup chopped pecans
- 2 Tablespoons brown sugar
INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9×13 pan. Cream together the sugar and butter and mix in eggs. Add flour, salt n soda and mix completely. Fold in the blueberries. (*if frozen, work very quickly as dough will get thick & cold really quickly, which is ok. Just add a lil baking time.) Spread in pan and flatten out. Sprinkle with chips, pecans and brown sugar. Bake for 30 minutes or until top is lightly brown.
Here are a couple pictures I quickly took to entice you 🙂

ready for the oven

doesn’t have to be perfectly in every corner

perfect! lightly browned..

yumm. All mine! 🙂
Enjoy and have a wonderful July 4th weekend!

by Julia | Dec 1, 2012 | Amish Sweets, Musings
today i am letting you know i specialize in making fudge!

life really is so much sweeter with chocolate 🙂 If you are interested in purchasing any check out our website Amish Sweets.