by Julia | Mar 8, 2018 | Foster Care
First of all, I forgot to mention we had a lot of snow for about a week in January. Both the amount and the length of time are rare for TN, so we were thrilled!
And because I had birds again this winter!! I just love watching my birds and quite delighted with all the red cardinals. It was not rare to count 20 plus at one time 🙂 Such a beautiful sight, morning sunlight glistening off the snow with dots of red outside, and yes Christmas clings on the window. 
OK, I’m done with the weather.
We got lil miss Glitterbug back soon after the holidays and just before her 4th Birthday. Last year she came to live with us just days after her 3rd Birthday, so I wanted to do all I could to make it special for her. Turns out she was still going thru too many transitional fears and only wanted her party at our house, with no additional guests or gifts. What we have for her is enough she declared. But after excited party talk & explaining the layout of the party to her every day, she finally consented that I could invite a select few of my nieces and in-laws, our family around here. Also she kept lamenting every few days how she never got to see Santa Claus. So I knew I wanted to try to somehow combine a lil Christmas into her party to help her feel celebrated in both, thus the lights.

We kinda have this tradition of waking up to balloons and fun; then calmly celebrating their birthdays at home that night with candles & cupcakes. We have a party with family & friends later. It helps the celebration to go on a lil longer and hopefully avoid an overload of emotions. Having been warned of ‘birthday triggers’ I’m always hoping I’m taking the best precautions in keeping it fun for the kiddoes.

Here’s the thing about trauma.. you can never fully prepare because sometimes a child feels things they never felt before & doesn’t even know what is going on or why they’re upset, but suddenly all their safety flags are up and on high alert. No one is prepared. All we know is that we wanted to sing Happy Birthday. Sometimes what you think you see in behavior, is completely opposite from what is going on inside. Sometimes too much attention is terrifying and not enough is scary. For a child that craves and begs for attention, but then melts down at times when given too much attention – it’s purely exhausting. I’ve learned alot but I’m still learning so much that I hesitate to put too many words out there just yet. But yeah it was a little hard to know how to handle all the emotions that came with it but we decided to err on the side of caution and compassion & understanding. I wish it were that easy everyday…… Like I said, it is exhausting. (or maybe I’m just a lil over-tired right now 😛 ) 
I did have fun with her cake! I couldn’t really find what I was going for so I concocted my own design. She wanted a pink cake, with pink frosting in a heart shape. I only had this pan in a heart shape, that I had picked up at Aldi one day. It leaked out a lil, but worked just fine. I made her my favorite yummy Strawberry Cake. (if you want the recipe, I’ll gladly share) She was so excited because she got to help me make it and lick all the spoons. But then I surprised her with the decorations which she totally loved! I did have her name on the cake but edited it out for privacy. Â 

We got her a VTech Write and Learn Creative Center for her birthday and a sticker book. Both were great choices and have provided much entertainment for her and her 2 year old brothers. Â Although I cannot say enough good about the sticker books, I think we both equally love them. She does super well in matching the pictures and words. I was a lil frustrated at first because how is a 4 year old supposed to be able to find the correct stickers for the correct page? But they are all well organized and numbered, I get all the stickers on the couch or table beside her and she can do a 2 page spread alone. Â 

We spent many hours getting her hair combed out those first few weeks, because they came back in a matted mess. Yes it almost made me cry, her hair is so beautiful! But thankfully, after much diligent searching I found an amazing salon for black kiddoes. She was very helpful and gave me a comb that worked, plus shared lots of other great tips and resources. Seriously, the comb was amazing and I have searched everywhere online and cannot find one like it. But yeah, Crisco and olive oil are actually quite helpful in the hair department. So, after all that pain I allowed her to fulfill a dream; having beads in her hair. 3 hours was a long time, but the smiles and sheer delight in her eyes made it all worth it! She couldn’t stop twirling and saying how much she loved her beads.Â
And it’s good-bye to the birthday & balloons…Â

If you enjoyed this post and would like to connect on a more personal level, please connect with me. Or if you need prayer, I would love to be in touch with you! Email me at -Follow me on Facebook or on Instagram. To follow along on our journey and not miss any posts, subscribe to the blog or follow my blog Facebook page, not just my personal one.
by Julia | Feb 22, 2018 | Foster Care, Our Captured Life
A New Year always brings hope. Even though we all know we can start new habits, make new plans any day of the year, there is something about January 1 that does it to all of us. Or at least those of us that like to categorize/ organize, there is just something about pulling out that new planner. Which reminds me, I am super excited to try my first Emily Ley planner this year! I’ve been a follower/fan girl for years now. 🙂
2018 just looked like an open year to us…finally. We decided to totally give ourselves space & grace, and focus on security n attachment bonding with our twin boys. I had a some mixed feelings, or like maybe I should feel guilty, but I was mostly relieved and happy knowing we were not taking any new placements for a long time, probably the whole year. We had some other big decisions to make and things to accomplish and I was getting so excited to just.slow.down.
My first goal was to utilize and practice the word “simplify”. One of those ways is getting rid of things that hold sentimental value but just clutter up my house. Another was to shush up some online voices for a lil while and listen more intently to God and my family. Focus on face to face relations first. There are a few things pretty heavy on my heart that I believe God wants me to see through His eyes and hear His heart. And I want to learn how to prioritize my time. Insert here, most of my updates will be through my blog, so if you don’t want to miss a post, please subscribe via email on the top right corner here. I’m sure my Instagram followers have noticed I have not been very active, sorry guys! I’m setting some goals and new habits, I’ll be back! We are so blessed by you, our family and friends close and via social media, that follow and share in our journey. My husband and I don’t want to leave you hanging, we covet your prayers and want to keep you updated. But we also realize that our priority is to be present in our family life first. Blogging is something I love doing and is one of the priorities I want to focus on this year. Dan is always encouraging me to write and so I want to give it a go this year n see if I can hit publish on all my draft posts.. (He always reads my posts and adds or takes away for me 😉 )
My hubby n I have a notebook with goals made for the past few years (not planning on sharing those). But if you want an idea where to get started, please watch Dave Ramsey’s video. He gives 7 steps that make it super easy to start and it really helps! Our goals are very similar to last year. Reading books & saving money seem to be the ones we reach the best. 🙂 I’ve been doing a Word of the Year for a number of years now.. I have been praying about my word for this year and Hope it is! My definition: “A confident expectation that a desire will be fulfilled.” I wasn’t sure what all it entailed when I recently began hoping in who God says that He is..but the more I proclaimed it and studied it, I began to realize there is a huge difference in the world’s view of hope and Biblical hope. The world’s view when using hope is often ‘pretty sure’ or ‘wanting something to be true’. Biblical hope is ‘100% sure’ because it comes from an infallible God. Our hope is in Him not in things or circumstances. Psalm 71:5 For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth. I want to keep studying it and truly live my life like that. Everytime I delve into studying it and every day that my faith is shaken, I learn something about this. So I’m really excited to see what all I will learn about it this year.Â
“For not to hope is to allow something inside of us to die.”Â
Not gonna lie, January has already really shaken it and I kept hearing this whisper, if all else is taken away, “Am I enough?” It has been rough, but I want to not have to hesitate when I answer that question, that I know without a shadow that IN Him I have all I need. These valleys and painful times seem too much at times but I am so grateful for the growth and intimacy that comes when it is placed in God’s Hands. I don’t tend to thank God for a trial or something that is clearly not from Him, but I am thankful that He allows it & redeems what the enemy meant for evil!
So, back to the daily grind, January 4th we were made aware of an emergency situation with our 3 year old (her nicknames were Divagirl n Glitterbug) that left in November. Due to health issues with her Grandma, they asked us if we would take her back into our home. It feels so broken, but we knew that although it wasn’t the perfect plan, and not the outcome we had wanted for her. It was something where God wanted us to be part of His redemptive work and we welcomed her back into our home on January 9th. It has definitely been a rough couple weeks, we tried to cocoon her just a lil bit to help her unravel the confusion and establish trust again. She is having visits with her newly-established father and so we will help her through the coming transitions. It’s been emotionally hard for me because she’s so grateful to be home with her “Mom” again & I have no idea how I will be able to make her leave again. I have to really work on the truth n not let the ‘I’m abandoning her’ words over-power me.
January we also got hit with the flu, of course! Wiped me out for awhile and left me with no desire to accomplish anything. But, no matter what comes, we will continue to look ahead with excitement and hope for this New Year!
If you enjoyed this post and would like to connect on a more personal level, please connect with me. Or if you need prayer, I would love to be in touch with you! Email me at -Follow me on Facebook or on Instagram. To follow along on our journey and not miss any posts, subscribe to the blog or follow my blog Facebook page, not just my personal one.